Functional Neurological Disorders

529064749Another day of waking up, wondering…

What am I in for today?

You haven’t always had functional neurological symptoms, but now you plan your life around them.

No more coffee in the morning because that ramps up seizures.

Can’t move too fast… because that could trigger paralysis.

Don’t look at open spaces, or you’ll get dizzy.

You’re walking on eggshells in your own body!

To make things even worse…

Your neurologist may have diagnosed these problems, but they aren’t the ones treating them.

“Go see a psychologist.”

So, here you are… trying to figure out how on earth a psychologist can help.

Is this all in your head?

534338398No, it’s not “all in your head.”

Psychogenic non-epileptic spells or seizures (PNES), persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), and functional movement disorders all fall under the umbrella term of “functional neurological symptoms.”

Whereas a spinal cord injury or epilepsy could be considered a “hardware problem,” functional neurological symptoms are more of a “software problem.” That is, there’s more of a problem with how your nervous system communicates with you.

You’re having miscommunications and misfires… not “making things up.”

Let me partner with you.

If you have functional neurological symptoms, we can develop a personalized treatment plan that will help your nervous system communicate better.

All treatments are research-based, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mind-body exercises, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises.

You’ll also learn to identify your triggers, communicate more effectively with friends and family, and cope with the anxiety surrounding your symptoms.

As your symptoms fade and become easier to manage, things like driving, exercising, working, and traveling will become possible again.

Let’s reclaim control of your life!

Stop the frustration.

Take control of your body again.

Get your life back on track!

I’m here for you! Call today for your free consultation, and let’s get started: (248) 736-1422.